
Ben, Duncan, Kelly, Chip met today for the first monthly evaluation meeting. Kelly has been here a week; we decided that it would be a good idea to meet as part of her orientation. Much of the time was spent reviewing the history of NSRAA, the evaluation department, and the evaluation process. We had a brief review of Kelly’s training to date, discussed otolith voucher collection status, and talked about lab chemicals – and the need to dispose of older unused chemicals.

We decided to meet on a monthly basis – at least during the off season.

Chip put together a timeline and flowcharts. See Excel file “Evaluation Calendar – overview.xlsx” in the Eval-Otolith folder on the server. While these are a work in progress, these are shown here as an example of adding media to a post. (Process: I used Windows snipping tool in Excel, saved snips as two png files, uploaded to Media library, inserted Media, linked to Media file.)

FLOWCHART – Click to enlarge


TIMELINE – CLICK to enlarge